If you would like to speak at the Council's Development Management Committee meetings, either in support of or objection to a planning application, please follow this procedure.
Please note, the following guidelines only apply to applications listed on the main schedule in the agenda.
To view the agendas for Development Management Committee, please see our website here.
If you wish to speak at a meeting, you should give notice of your intention to Member Services by 12:00 p.m. on the Monday prior to the Development Management Committee meeting held on the Wednesday of the same week (12:00 p.m. on the preceding Friday if the Monday is a Bank Holiday).
Please contact Democratic Services (for the attention of Amelia Boulter) or phone 01822 813651.
What is the procedure?
If you have given the proper notification, you will be asked to address the Committee at the appropriate time. The order will be as follows:-
- The Committee Chairman calls the item.
- A planning officer presents the report containing the officer recommendation.
- One objector may speak against the application (three minutes maximum or five minutes for a major application). If there is more than one objector wishing to speak, then only one person can be chosen as the spokesperson.
- One supporter or the applicant may speak for the application (three minutes maximum or five minutes for a major application). If there is more than one supporter wishing to speak, then only one person can be chosen as the spokesperson.
- A town or parish councillor may speak against or in favour of the application (three minutes maximum or five minutes for a major application). If there are more than one town or parish councillor wishing to speak, then only one can be chosen as the spokesperson. The spokesperson should reflect the views of the parish council.
- Local Ward Member(s) are able to address the Committee without any time restriction. Committee Members may then ask questions of clarity of the Ward Member(s);
- For Member only discussions on the application, including any further questions, the Chairman may ask the objector, supporter or town or parish council representative to clarify a point of fact in very exceptional circumstances.
- Vote.
- The Chairman may briefly explain the decision if necessary.
- Next item.
Remember, the three (or five) minute maximum period will be your only opportunity to speak, unless the Chairman asks for clarification on a point of fact (see 6 above).
Live Streaming
From 1 December 2019, the Council intends to live webcast all Development Management Committee meetings that take place in the Council Chamber. It can be viewed on our YouTube Channel.
What Else Do I Need to Know?
- Statements must be confined to matters which are material planning considerations.
- Comments on procedural issues should be avoided - they can be dealt with through the Council's complaints procedure.
- If a decision is deferred (for example, to allow for a Site Inspection), resulting in a further report to the Committee at a subsequent meeting, no further opportunity for public speaking on the same application will be allowed, but the comments previously made will be taken into account.
- However, if at the time of the original consideration of the application there was no speaker in support or to object, or town or parish councillor representations made, then they will be allowed to speak when the application is reconsidered provided that proper notice has been given.
- Please note, the Chairman of the Committee will not allow papers to be tabled (placed on Member's desks) prior to the meeting. Therefore, if members of the public have information which they wish the Committee to see and/or read, they must send it to Members in advance of the meeting.
- In the case of linked applications only one time slot per objector, supporter or parish council will be allowed.
- For more information about Site Inspections, please use this link.