Medium Term Financial Strategy

The Council uses a number of methods to ensure we are looking after your money properly.

The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) is one of the key approaches. Visit our Treasury Management and Budgets pages to find out more about other methods.

What is the Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS)?

The Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) looks at financial planning and management for a three-year period. It helps us to develop a sustainable budget over the medium term.

  • The MTFS incorporates key factors such as changes in Government funding, our spending plans and the levels of savings we need to make to keep Council Tax affordable
  • It offers assurances that our spending plans are affordable over the medium term (five years).

Want to know more?

If you want to find out about the decisions made for future services and Council Tax levels, or how we intend to carry out the decisions, please download the documents below: