Memorial Tree and Bench Scheme

Find out about placing a bench or planting a tree in memory of a loved one here.

Memorial Trees

Applications for a memorial tree are now closed. Please check back later in the year for more information.

Commemorative or dedicated trees can be placed in many of the South Hams Council owned parks and green spaces to commemorate a loved one or special occasion. There may be an opportunity to hold a memorial planting ceremony if you wish.

The type of tree and planting location requires the agreement of the Assets Team, in order to ensure that proposals meet with the Council's own management and maintenance plans.

The cost is £580 (excluding VAT), which covers the purchase of the tree, stake and other planting accessories. The price also includes a plaque, and follow-up maintenance, although not a replacement should the tree fail in any way.

We are no longer able to offer a memorial tree scheme along Kingsbridge Embankment.

Please note that the maximum number of characters for the plaque is 70.

Memorial Benches

Memorial benches are currently unavailable. Please check back later for updates.

Memorial benches can be placed in many South Hams parks and open spaces, to commemorate and remember the life of a loved one. There are a number of sites available.

South Hams Council offer a 10-year sponsorship scheme. This includes installing a new plastic bench, a commemorative plaque and a 10-year maintenance scheme. The charge is £1,680  (including VAT).

Please note that the maximum number of characters for the plaque is 70.

For more information about the scheme, please see our Frequently Asked Questions at the bottom of this page.

The cost to fit a plaque onto an existing bench and sponsor for 10 years is £672.00 (incl. VAT).

Dartmouth Embankment

We are no longer able to offer additional memorial benches along Dartmouth embankment, and will only fit new benches when an old one needs replacing. If you wish, we can place your details on a waiting list and notify you when a space becomes available. Please Contact our Assets Team.

If you want to register an interest in having a new or sponsored bench in Dartmouth (Royal Avenue Gardens or Coronation Park) please contact Dartmouth Town Council.

Vandalism and Damage

If the bench is damaged beyond repair, the Council will remove it and will inform you of this.  We will look to offer a replacement, but this will be at the standard charge applicable at the time.

There is no right to a free replacement if your bench is damaged beyond repair. The Council does not hold insurance cover for the damage, loss or destruction of benches.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can find answers to frequently asked questions about our memorial bench scheme below.

Frequently Asked Questions - Memorial Benches

Can I buy a bench through the Council that is located on the South West Coast Path?

No, the Council does not own this land. It is owned by South West Coast Path. You can contact them through their website.

Can the Council only put benches in villages and towns?

The Council can only install benches on land that it owns. If you would like to install a bench or plant a tree in a village, you could try speaking to the Parish Council in the first instance. You can find the contact details for your Parish Clerk here.

What are the benefits of installing a plastic bench?

The new plastic benches we supply are all fully recycled and recyclable when they reach the end of their life. They have also been awarded the 'BLUE ANGEL' eco-label.

We decided to switch to these particular benches as the material is preservative-free and weather, rot, oil, brine, acid and salt water-resistant. They are also splinter-free and have moisture repellent properties. This makes them much more durable and ideal for rural and coastal locations which will often be exposed to the elements.

Can I renew a bench that has been installed for over ten years?

At the end of the 10-year sponsorship, the Council will attempt to contact the seat donor and offer to extend the period if they wish to continue.

The renewal cost will depend on the condition of the bench at that time. If the donor would like to sponsor a new bench for a full 10-year period again then the full cost applies.

How long is the extended period for?

This will be for three years and then reviewed every three years after.

Where can I get more information?

For more information, please email