Carbon Reduction Statement

Required for all development proposals.

Elevation/roof drawings must include carbon reduction measures where they affect the external appearance of the building/s, such as Air Source Heat Pumps or solar panels.


Both Councils have declared a biodiversity and climate change emergency and require all development proposals, both major and non-major, to minimise their carbon footprint both during construction and in use.

For all developments:

  • A statement identifying how natural resource use has been minimised in construction and over the lifetime of the development.

For major applications:

  • A Carbon Reduction Plan is required. This should include a Solar Masterplan showing how access to natural light has been optimised. It should also demonstrate that low carbon technology, renewable energy, and/or sustainable construction materials and methods are to be used to achieve regulated carbon levels. 20% less than Building Regulations Part L. This should be prepared by a suitable qualified person.

Links to Useful Guidance