Consultation Agreed for Support Scheme for Vulnerable Residents

South Hams District Council has agreed today, Thursday 21 September, that it will consult on its Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2024/25.

The scheme is reviewed each year to provide support for residents on a low income with paying their council tax.  With the ongoing cost of living crisis the District Council is firm in its aims to offer an extra helping hand to those residents who need it across the District.

The targeted consultation asks residents and partner authorities to have their say on the proposed changes to the Council Tax Reduction Scheme for 2024/25.

The proposals will provide additional support to self-employed residents and those who have a disability or health condition which affects how much they can work.

This will make sure that over 600 residents, or families, will have the extra financial support they need. The Council have costed the total amount for the proposed changes as £236,409 with their share of the cost (8%) being £18,913. The rest will be paid by each of the other bodies who combine to create the total amount of the Tax. These bodies include Devon County Council, the Police and the Fire and Rescue Service.

South Hams District Council’s Leader, Cllr Julian Brazil, said: “It’s a really hard time for many of our residents. As a council, we need to support those who are struggling most.

“This annual consultation gives us the chance to talk to our partners to agree a way forward. We can then get to the crux of the matter, helping the most vulnerable in our communities.”

The targeted consultation will run from Monday 2 October 2023 to Sunday 12 November 2023.

To read the full report, go to South Hams Executive.

You can watch the meeting on our YouTube Channel.