New Business Rates Customers

What happens if payment is not received?

If payment is not received for Business Rates that are due and owing, the Council can take action against you to recover such sums. Such action could include:

  • Summons and Liability Order - a request to the magistrate's court to issue a Liability Order against you can be made.
  • Enforcement Agent - once a Liability Order has been obtained, an enforcement agent may be instructed to attend your property to recover the outstanding amounts.
  • Bankruptcy/Liquidation - A statutory demand may be served upon you to commence bankruptcy/liquidation proceedings.
  • Committal to prison - The Council can apply for a warrant committing you to prison for a period up to 3 months.

If you are having difficulty meeting your payments, it is important that you contact us as soon as possible so that we can help. You can find more information in our payment problems guide.