Annual Accounts

The Annual Accounts provide information about income and expenditure during the financial year.

Annual Accounts

The Annual Accounts provide information on the income and expenditure of the Council during the financial year and records the assets and liabilities as at the year-end.

Our Annual Accounts are examined every year by external auditors to ensure that our financial accounting and the presentation of our accounts are conducted according to strict guidelines.

The Annual Accounts include information such as:

  • The Comprehensive Income and Expenditure Statement - shows all the money we have received and all the money we have spent
  • The Balance Sheet - shows the Council's assets (land, buildings, equipment, funds) and liabilities (money owed) at the end of the financial year.

More detailed information is included in these 100-page reports, such as:

  • Employee costs & pensions
  • Capital accounts
  • Assets held
  • Grants

Our Annual Governance Statement is published with the Annual Accounts and is available to download below.

Statement of Accounts 2022-23


Previous Years Accounts














